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Alana Lanzon

10 low-cost changes you can do now to reduce your winter electricity usage.

Updated: Mar 10, 2023

With winter electricity bills making their appearance. These 10 low cost energy-smart choices can reduce winter’s impact on your wallet.

See how many of these top 10 tips your household can adopt

1. Dress for the season

Put on some warmer clothes before you crank up the heating.

Each additional degree of heating can add between 5% and 10% to your energy use.

2. Shut the door on wasted energy

Heating the entire house can be costly. Shut the door to areas you aren't using (like bathrooms, or the bedrooms during the day). Only heat the rooms you're using and save on energy and cost.

3. Turn it off

Avoid heating your home unnecessarily. Turn off your heaters before going to bed and when you're leaving the house.

4. Let the sun shine in

Solar panels may not be suitable for every home and budget. But you can still use the free heat from the sun. Open your curtains when the sun is shining and close them before it gets dark.

5. Don't use the shower to warm up

Heating your hot water can account for over 20% of your household energy use. Try to avoid the temptation of using the shower to get warm. Aim for a 4 minute shower.

Even better, installing a water-efficient showerhead is one of the most cost-effective ways to save water use. They are also quite easy to install.

6. Shop around and switch to save

Don’t assume your current energy provider is offering you the best deal available. Look at government price comparison websites to check which provider has the best rate. You can also contact your current provider to ask them if there’s a better deal they could put you on right away.

7. Insulate your roof

Save 45% or more on your heating costs by installing roof and ceiling insulation.

Stop heat escaping from your home by installing or topping up insulation. Ceiling insulation can reduce your home’s winter heat loss by 25 to 35%.

Talk to an expert to find out what's best for your home and its climate. It's important to safely install insulation that meets Australian standards.

8. Use a ‘solar’ clothes dryer

Clothes dryers are very convenient—but remember you're paying for this convenience. Try using your clothes dryer less often. Use free energy from the sun and the wind to dry your clothes if you can.

If you don’t have a clothes line you can put clothes racks out in the sun and fresh air. Or you could dry clothes indoors on a rack when the heater is already on.

9. Turn off gadgets and appliances

Many appliances continue to draw stand-by power even when switched off. This can account for up to 3% of your total energy costs. Any appliance with a little light on it is using energy even if you’re not using it. Turn off appliances not in use (such as TVs, computers and consoles) at the power point.

Read more about energy use of appliances on Your Home.

10. Windows of opportunity

As much as 40% of a home’s heating energy can be lost through the windows.

Investing in quality curtains and blinds can make a surprising difference to your home’s warmth. Look for fabrics that insulate well, or curtains with thermal lining.

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